
A young woman who desires to lead a consecrated life within the Congregation of the Divine Spirit spends the first years of her religious life in formation. This formation period gives her a firm foundation in the spirit of the community, teaches her how to live out her religious commitment and develops her skills to work in the community Apostolates.


Discernment period before acceptance into the Community. Length of time varies according to the individual


The Postulant is introduced into the life of a Sister. She lives a balanced life of prayer, study, work and recreation for a period of one year.

Novitiate – First Year:

This is a year of intensive introduction to the Religious life. There are no secular studies for this time. The Novice studies the Constitutions of the Community and the Religious Vows and documents of the Church i.e. The Catechism, Encyclicals etc. which help to broaden her understanding of her vocation within the context of the whole Church.

Novitiate – Second Year:

This second year is a continuation of in-depth study along with work within the Community Ministries.

Juniorate (Temporary Profession):

Five Years: Yearly renewal of vows for 3 years and then renewal for 2 years.
These years are devoted to working in the Community Ministries, further spiritual development and obtaining the necessary academic certification to become fully active in the ministries assigned her.

Final Profession:

After the five years of temporary profession, the Sister pronounces Perpetual Vows. .

On-Going Formation:

Even though initial formation is completed, on-going formation is in the norm for all religious. This includes spiritual growth as well as formation integrating her spiritual life with her apostolate.