Renewal in our day means adaptation to the demands of the circumstances in which one lives — rendering self capable of confronting the difficulties in the surroundings in which one is placed. This calls for maturity and balance and will lead to new strength — not to weakness. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend […]
Author Archives: SistersCDS
The one great object of prayer is to unite us to God. The first condition of prayer, to be fruitful, is to be completely sincere. This is not easy for so many because they go ever so carefully. Prayer means being open with God. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Before it is too late for ourselves and for our sad, sad world, let us learn once and for all what love truly is. Let it grow in our minds and in our hearts. Love is strong. It will make us strong. And, truly, this is the only strength which will save us, with the […]
Let every day be a day of gratitude, and don’t hesitate to express it. Life has no meaning without love. In finding love we find ourselves. In loving others, we fulfill ourselves. In forgetting self we become truly free. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, and Guide
What a precious thing life is! What a great destiny is offered us! Our difficulty in realizing it stems in great part from the mad pace we go in this our age. Few of us do any real reflecting, real thinking, real praying. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple reminds us that without vision […]
We, on a merry-go-round, feel that we are doing something, getting somewhere, because we are moving in a dizzy whirl of activity. Yes, activity is important, but as the result of reflection in prayer. The understanding and wisdom that grows out of reflection and prayer overflows into action. Prayer that does not produce virtuous action […]
“Pray as you can, and not as you can’t,” is a sound maxim. Neither exalted feelings nor long hours spent on our knees are necessary for a genuine life of prayer. What we do need is the full integration of prayer into our life, into the rhythm of work and of recreation so that we […]
Prayer means being open with God. Try to be consistent in your prayer life and ultimately He will respond. We will gradually understand one day that suddenly we are in contact with God. This need not be a felt presence of God, though it could take this form. It will most often be a new […]
How can we love prayer if we do not really know what it is? The one great object of prayer is to unite us to God, for the first condition of prayer, to be fruitful, is to be completely sincere. This is not easy for so many because they are so couched and they go […]
Try this. Bring God into all of your activities, not just at Grace Before Meals and participation in the Liturgy. I have often thought there should be a Grace before all actions in a Christian’s life. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, and Guide