For a richer self and for a richer life . . . . PARTICIPATE INITIATE DO SOMETHING YOU HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE — DAILY Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Author Archives: SistersCDS
Hail glorious Saint Patrick,dear Saint of our Isle! On us, thy dear children bestow a sweet smile. And now that thou art in thy mansions above On Erin’s green valley, look down in thy love.
Contemplation means to gaze attentively. God knows all of us gaze and stare into space and nature, etc. All we have to do it train ourselves to fix our gaze on Someone specific, look for His Presence in our lives, in the people we touch or who touch us. Try it . . . awesome […]
What is contemplation? The goal of contemplation is to be constantly conscious of the Presence of Christ. “As often as you did it to one of these . . . .” Contemplation scares us — we think of it as difficult. The graces of interior prayer are given to those who walk humbly with their […]
Prayer becomes mechanical and hollow without connection to the rest of our lives. We are so preoccupied with schedules, plans, anxieties, ad infinitum . . . Waiting to pray at the end of the day or the weekend or tomorrow or when not so tired — these are dangerous pitfalls. PRAYER is part of our […]
What part does prayer play in your daily program? Is it something to be said, a kind of job-to-be-got-through — an activity fitted into a neat slot among other forms of BUSYNESS? Subconsciously, or otherwise, we have convinced ourselves that there is not space for contemplation in our lives. We seem to emphasize “doing” and […]
In the measure in which man — in his gift — has handed himself to God, man shares through God’s acceptance in His holiness and goodness. What a tremendous thought for us poor creatures! Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Faithfulness is a growth process and perseverance is its end product. Perseverance is safeguarded by the day-to-day effort to be faithful to one’s love, to walk uprightly in the Lord, and to hold fast. There is no other way. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Poverty should be emphasized not in the materialistic sense, but the interior poverty of Christ. This consists in humility, or better explained, in the realization of one’s true place before God. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Obedience gives direction to a life which could otherwise ramble on to its end. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide