Let us realize that HEAVEN, CALVARY, and the TABERNACLE have but one language — God is love . . . . CARITAS! Pray to love more! Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Author Archives: SistersCDS
Teach me, My God, to follow Your calm and balanced wisdom; make me adaptable to this life which You have fashioned for me, and drive from my soul those pretentions which I call brave and noble, but which are only childish dreams. My virtue is not in the clouds, my duties are not among the […]
We are pilgrims of sanctity, traveling the royal road of Calvary — always on the march, weary at times, but never discouraged. Our journey through life is but a succession of stages. We pause, take inventory, ask ourselves “Where am I going” then, we are on the way again. Mother Patricia O’Connor, CDS Founding Superior, […]
Christ looks to our present dispositions toward receiving the inspirations of grace, not to our past. Quo Vadis? Where are you going? Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Pray to God that our enemies may become our friends. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fire of hell. Take all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us!
It has been well said that Silence is the atmosphere of the highest peaks of the spirit. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Forgiveness is the strongest bond of friendship, and he whom God has pardoned most is most closely united with Him. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Peace, which is not the result of struggle, will soon vanish. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
“Master, where do You live?” “Come and see,” He answers — and bids us look into ourselves, into our own souls. There He has chosen His lodging — there amid ambitions, unholy desires — there in the heart of our warped nature, He dwells in us. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.