Spiritual Exercises are an illusion if they make it more difficult for us to live our vocation, or if they make our daily routine seem less essential. The mother who makes a weekend retreat and comes away wishing she had become a Carmelite would have done better to stay at home. Her reaction is just […]
Author Archives: SistersCDS
We live according to the spirit, not by despising material creation, but by using it in the service of divine charity. It is in the glory of the spirit that its nobility is not diminished but rather manifested in its union with matter. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
We will be real and convincing to the world only to the extent that we seek to know God intimately. Only time spent in obedient offerings of our daily lives to Christ in the Eucharist will enable us to “put on the mind of Christ” and be fit instruments in His Hands for the peace […]
There are current dangers to authenticity of a spiritual life. Every baptized person is consecrated to God in Christ. It is a matter of be-ing from which do-ing flows. Are we God’s instrument of service or our own? Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, and Guide
A person’s greatness lies in holiness. The potential is there, but each person must be an instrument in its development. But, no one is an island. Time is not forever, and we are assured of nothing. Ask yourself, “Before I die, how shall I live? If I have not shared, I have not lived, for […]
Ad Sum! Here we are, Lord. Send us to bring Good News to the lonely, to bind up the hearts that are broken, to give new sight to the blind, and to comfort all who grieve. Above all, help us to hold on, for we have much that others have not. With Isaias, we say: […]
Try to imagine, in moments of pettiness, to walk in the shoes of the needy — that you are the one in the ditch — and you will soon lose your pettiness and become the Good Samaritan . A mere surface courtesy is not Christ’s Way. He gave us a Commandment “to love one another […]
Somewhere I read of someone’s Mother’s reaction in the face of danger and crises. I share it with you as timely. In substance: “We kids were always prepared for the worst – expecting a disaster when danger came into our lives – but I always remember my Mother’s breaking in to the stillness of waiting […]
Truth crushed to earth will rise. The eternal years of youth are hers. But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among its worshipers.
Heaven begins with you. The journey to God passes through self-knowledge. When we stumble over the truth, we are not supposed to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and proceed on as though nothing had happened. Learning is a gift of the intellect — Humility is truth! Again, the journey to God passes through self-knowledge. […]