+Dear Lord, May I always remember: whatever I do to them I do also to You. May I never forsake Your command, “Love one another as I have loved you.” May my thoughts of others be no longer my thoughts, but Your thoughts. May my love for others be no longer my love, but Yours. […]
Author Archives: SistersCDS
Photosynthesis is “building with sunlight” in nature — nice thought and apropos for us — let us build our lives with sunlight. We are told that every time we exhale we are giving leaves material with which to build trees. Wouldn’t it be great if every time we spoke we gave other enrichment for their […]
We are the family of God, disciples of Jesus, consecrated in truth. The healing word of God is implanted in our lives. It will survive disillusionment and all conflict and disbelief. We know all too well how we fail each other and ourselves. So let us at this time offer forgiveness for “we must love […]
Let us not live in dreams; let us not fall back on alibis; do not wait for tomorrow or the next day to make our lives worthwhile. NOW is the time! Let us ask Him into our lives . . . . let Him put everything in its proper place and keep the place of […]
O dear, majestic, silent Christ, teach me the beautiful lessons of Your Passion. Give me a better appreciation of the magnificence of Your Silence. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Are we anxious to be held in esteem by others and on the slightest provocation make a defense? “Jesus held His peace.” Are we afraid to be misunderstood? Do we demand satisfaction, an apology? When Judas came up to betray Christ, Jesus called him ‘friend.’ Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life . . . our sweetness . . . and our hope!
If we are going to exercise the spirit seriously, it is going to mean a struggle and a death. Good and evil spirits are at work on a soul. Saint Ignatius claimed that those who didn’t experience this were not making the spiritual exercises faithfully. Without battle, there is never a victory. Without death in […]
The Jewish people were led into the desert in order that their faith and love might be tested and purified by their experience. Their refusal to accept these trials was a rebellion against God. They thwarted His designs and asked for a tangible sign — we remember what took place. God will lead us and […]
Our human living is not an obstacle to sanctity. We have no need to aspire to Angelic living, for God dwells among us here on earth. Peace comes only after war. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide