We must not spend the rest of our lives rationalizing our sins. The bridge between what we are and what we should be is trust in the power of God that He will give us what we need if only we have the humility to kneel down in spirit and ask Him to help us. […]
Author Archives: SistersCDS
Successful people have a hard time being humble people. We need to rely and trust in God. We need God desperately. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Someone once said — Through continued combat with ourselves, we make possible true peace, which includes shared intimacy, honest acceptance of one another, and the mutual encouragement of freedom — not fear, but freedom — in Christ. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
When God gives Himself, he places us in an attitude of waiting. this should be our pervading climate — remembering always that the soul goes through many stages. At each new stage it is illuminated, receiving a light that is always new. At each new stage it is flooded with the light of Wisdom, and […]
As we stumble along God’s ways, we must seek integrity of life, seek humility of life — we will not then be astonished at our own weakness or failures; every form of resentment or discouragement is killed at its roots. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
In the Third Eucharistic Prayer, we pray, “. . . all holiness comes by the working of the Holy Spirit” — all of it without exception. You and I can plant and water, but “God gives the increase.” Notwithstanding, we must do our part or God will not give the increase. What is our part? […]
We only know how much a person loves us when we have experienced his or her forgiveness. Forgiveness is the self-giving that reaches out beyond all barriers and limitations. We cannot stay far from other indefinitely, any more than we can stay far from God. The possibility of changing our ways is always before us, […]
We are all pilgrims going across the stage of life, each carrying our own cross — if one falters, the whole procession is disturbed. When each one carries the cross gracefully, all proceeds in order. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, Guide
Communion can be of many kinds. There is a communion which we experience through suffering. God lies hidden in the heart of suffering. When suffering is accepted, He works miracles of redemption at its very heart, miracles of purification and detachment which pave the way for an increase of grace. The hand is the same […]
Remember, Our Lord did not say you will never have rough days, be overstrained, nor feel uncomfortable. But He did promise, “YOU WILL NEVER BE OVERCOME.” Mother Patricia O’Connor Founding Superior, Friend and Guide