“Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now wherever we are.” —-Saint John Chrysostom
Author Archives: SistersCDS
We have been reminded by the Lord many times to take nothing for the journey. Are we loaded down with too much trivia on our journey? Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, & Guide
I pray — I pray that we may never be so blind that our small world is all the world we see. Or so supremely satisfied that what we are is all we feel we ever want to be. Grant us the joy of filling someone’s need. Make of us gracious followers the while we […]
We should stress this maxim: “In necessary matters . . . . . . . UNITY. In open matters . . . . . . . . . . . . FREEDOM. But in all matters . . . . . . . . . . . CHARITY.” Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Some philosophers have described the human not as a “being” but as a “being-with” . . . . Community life . . . . social nature. Let our family life become a crossroads for people, for new ideas, for new values. From this interchange of ideas and values, we will leave our mark in God’s […]
The one who measures love and attempts to balance it is putting a suffocating pre-condition on love. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
It often happens in a family that someone is giving more than the other. We must accept this fact with generosity and do our part sincerely, not encroaching on another’s good will. The end of the story has not been written. You may be giving more now, but others may have given more in the […]
The purpose of our prayer is not only to receive from God the graces we need to cope with our own passions and vagrant desires; it is also in the spirit of Christ’s directive to the Apostles that having received power from God, we might then be witnesses to the Saviour: to bring Him to […]
In our family, in our Church family, we are a union of humans, with all of the changes in temperament, physical reactions, flashes of joy, anger and sorrow that come with being human. We must never find it embarrassing to admit that the members of our family, our faith community, are not always on the […]
God makes impossible demands on human nature, and we know they are impossible . . . they tell us, “You can’t do it alone; ask Me and I’ll help you.” And the choice is ours. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.