Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it. Forgiveness is God who will not leave us after all we’ve done! Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
Author Archives: SistersCDS
WHERE IS GOD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HE IS ONLY A PRAYER AWAY . . . A is for Adoration Lord, you are Beauty! C is for Contrition Lord, have mercy! T is for Thanksgiving Loveliest of human qualities. S is for Supplication To […]
Be an Eagle Personality: Pray big. Think big. Believe big. Act big. Dream big. Work big. Give big. Forgive big. Love big. Live big. Laugh big. Soar like an eagle in mind and heart.
Saint Thomas More, crushed by his friends and companions of his youth as he was being tried for treason, prayed this prayer: “Almighty God, have mercy on all who bear me evil and would harm me. Have mercy on their faults and mine together, by such easy, tender and merciful means as Your own Infinite […]
Pray for the grace of grateful recognition. This is different from the feelings of contrition that we sometimes try to wring from a withered heart. A truly contrite heart is a heart crushed, not by remorse, but by Love, and it is precisely because a contrite heart is moved by love that it can change […]
Are we expecting the reward of praise and recognition in the performance of our duty? Remember . . . . . . . God give just a Cross from His own Bloody Hand to His favored souls . . . . . . . no shining medallion engraved with honor. Mother Patricia O’Connor Founding Superior, […]
FAITH is the basic ingredient of the spiritual life. It is not an escalator which brings us to the top of the mountain. It is more life a “staff” to lean upon. Mother Patricia O’Connor Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
The cleverest person — the one who always does what he/she thinks is right. The meanest feeling — jealousy. The finest gift — forgiveness.
The simple tasks — pouring coffee, cleaning, baking cookies, answering the telephone, errand-running — all could be labeled “trivia” . . . but the truly heroic is hidden in these simple tasks in everyday living. Unity between my spiritual ideals and my concrete moment-to-moment actions. The small things of each day must be the vessels […]
“God in His deepest mystery is not a solitude, but a Family, since He has in Himself fatherhood, sonship, and the essence of the family, which is Love.” —Blessed Pope John Paul II