Hail, pure Virgin, sun-robed Virgin, Hear our land’s Magnificat! Hear our country loudly chanting, “Hail Thee! Queen Immaculate! O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
Author Archives: SistersCDS
No matter what the past — “now is the hour for us to rise from sleep.” This Advent should be a time when I really reform my life in preparation for His coming, making my Advent preparation in constant invitation of Christ, thus showing my love in deed and not merely in word.
The word “Advent” means a “coming.” Though I might wish that I had lived at the time of Christ’s first coming, I am inevitably bound to the present. Still, though I could not be actually present at the first coming of Christ, the Church encourages me through a period of some 4 weeks to think […]
St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans exhorts me to “awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Not only that, but the “night is advanced, the day is at hand.” This is what the season of Advent should recall to me — a time for ever deeper appreciation of […]
Christ’s Incarnation is the very basis of my faith. He came into the world to lead it back to His Father. During these weeks I beg Our Lord to come into my heart to lead me back to Him again.
How many seasons of Advent have I celebrated? How much real profit have I drawn from them? How much greater has been my love of God as a result of them? No matter what the past — “now is the hour for us to rise from sleep.”
What is prayer? Prayer is the movement of myself, the whole of me, towards the welcoming arms of God. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend, & Guide
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress? Working together is success and ultimate peace. But, praying together with love is holiness. Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S. Founding Superior, Friend and Guide
All Hail! Christ our King! With love and joy we sing Thou art our King and Lord, Forever praised, adored. All Hail! Christ our King! All Hail to Christ our King!
Every day of the year the Preface reads, “Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.” The precious privilege of love is gratitude. Let our every day be a day of gratitude, for a grateful heart is a joyous heart. Mother Patricia O’Connor, […]