you are raised as an ensign before the peoples, in your presence even kings dare not open their lips, and to you the nations shall pray: come, deliver us; do not delay any longer. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
Author Archives: SistersCDS
and Leader of the people of Israel, you appeared to Moses in the flames of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai. come now to redeem us with your almighty power. Come, Lord Jesus, come!
which proceeds from the mouth of the Most High and resounds to the ends of the earth, disposing all things firmly yet tenderly; come, teach us the way of prudence. Come, Lord Jesus, come!
For an increase in confidence in Him, let me repeat frequently during this Advent season: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You.
With confidence then let me beg of Him His constant help that I may prepare well during this Advent for His coming. I can ask again in the words of Psalm 25: “Your ways, O Lord, make known to me, teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are […]
Instead of being discouraged by past disloyalties to Him, let me be thoroughly ashamed of them, which is a much better thing. “Remember that Your compassion, O Lord, and Your kindness are from of old. The sins of my youth and my frailties remember not; in your kindness, remember me, because of Your goodness, O […]
Immaculate and Perpetual Virgin of Guadalupe, you appeared on Mount Tepeyac to reconcile mankind to God. Plead and intercede with your Son Jesus today, that a bond of Holy Love is formed between all humanity and God. You left your image on the cloak of Juan Diego, using a humble vessel to bring your Grace […]
My past infidelities should not discourage me, for I must always remember and impress upon my mind as a first principle that discouragement never comes from Christ, our Lord. Rather, my past failures should underline my conviction that of myself I have not much to offer in the past or in the future. Instead, I […]
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto. Let me renew my efforts to spend these remaining days of Advent as Mary did in her Home in Nazareth — with ever more careful service of the Lord. Perhaps it may seem that time goes by so quickly and I find myself doing everything else […]
Picture to yourself the Blessed Virgin doing her household work at Nazareth, spending her Advent in preparation for the coming of the Redeemer. Petition: I beg that the Lord rouse His power and come to me, that He support me with His great strength.